How to contribute?
Contributing Guidelines for WOLF-I project
Set up your Git environment and clone the project
Set up your Git environment and clone the project:
Please follow the prerequisites to begin the project.
- Install GIT on your system (e.g. Windows, macOS, Linux)
- Windows: Download the Git for Windows installer from the official Git Website
- macOS: Install Git using Homebrew
- Linux: The exact installation process may vary depending on your specific Linux distribution.
- Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install git
- Debian/Ubuntu:
- Verify installation: Open a terminal window and type
git --version
In your terminal, navigate to the “WOLF-I” folder:
cd ~/Documents/wolf-i
Clone the project :
git clone
- Verify you are on the main branch:
git status
should returnon branch main
Create a post
Please use the model template for Minima Theme
You can see the how your changes impact the website by running locally a static site generator such as Jekyll (for more information, see testing-your-github-pages-site-locally-with-jekyll )
- Verify your changes:
git status
: Check the status of your local repository to see what files have been modified, staged, or are untracked.- Code review : Review your changes to ensure quality and adherence to standards.
- Testing : Run any relevant tests to ensure your changes haven’t introduced any regressions or errors.
- Preparing for push:
- Before pushing any updates, authentify yourself using
git config --global **
andgit config --global *Your name*
- Before pushing any updates, authentify yourself using