Small-Signal Stability of Multimachine Systems: A Step-by-Step Guide. Reference frame transformation.
In the upcoming blog posts, I will detail the systematic procedure for constructing the linear model of an electrical system. This process follows the method proposed in “Power System Stability and Control” by Prabha S. Kundur and Om P. Malik.

Building a multimachine linear system

Reference frame tranformation and associated angles between axes and variables
Linearizing: \(\Delta i_{dq} = {\frac{dR}{d \delta}}|_{\delta = \delta_0}i_{IR0} \Delta x+R \Delta i_{IR} = {\frac{dR}{d \delta}}|_{\delta = \delta_0}{R^{-1}i_{dq}}_{0} \Delta x+R \Delta i_{IR} = t_i \Delta x + R \Delta i_{IR}\)
Defining : \(t_i = {\frac{dR}{d \delta}}|_{\delta = \delta_0}i_{IR0} =\begin{bmatrix}sin(\delta) && cos(\delta) \\ cos(\delta) && -sin(\delta)\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}-cos(\delta) && sin(\delta) \\ sin(\delta) && cos(\delta)\end{bmatrix} i_{dq0} = \begin{bmatrix}0 && i_{q0} && 0 && \cdots && 0 \\ 0 && -i_{d0} && 0 && \cdots && 0 \end{bmatrix}\) ; \([t_i] = 2 \times n\) , being \(n\) the number of state variables.
- Linearizing : \(\Delta v_{dq} = {\frac{dR}{d \delta}}|_{\delta = \delta_0}v_{IR0} \Delta x+R \Delta v_{IR} = {\frac{dR}{d \delta}}|_{\delta = \delta_0}{R^{-1}v_{dq}}_{0} \Delta x+R \Delta v_{IR} = t_v \Delta x + R \Delta v_{IR}\)
- Defining: \(t_v = {\frac{dR}{d \delta}}|_{\delta = \delta_0}v_{IR0} =\begin{bmatrix}sin(\delta) && cos(\delta) \\ cos(\delta) && -sin(\delta)\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}-cos(\delta) && sin(\delta) \\ sin(\delta) && cos(\delta)\end{bmatrix} v_{dq0} = \begin{bmatrix}0 && v_{q0} && 0 && \cdots && 0 \\ 0 && -v_{d0} && 0 && \cdots && 0 \end{bmatrix}\) ; \([t_v] = 2 \times n\) , being \(n\) the number of state variables.
- State space equations : \(\Delta \dot{x}_i = A_i \Delta x_i + B_i \Delta v_{dq} \rightarrow \Delta \dot{x}_i = A_i \Delta x_i + B_i (t_v \Delta x + R \Delta v_{IR})\) ; \(\Delta i_{dq} = C_i \Delta x_i + D_i \Delta v_{dq} \rightarrow t_i \Delta x + R \Delta i_{IR} = C_i \Delta x_i + D_i (t_v \Delta x + R \Delta v_{IR})\)